The All Customers tool on Exly keeps track of all the customer data including customer name, contact details, the total amount spent by the customer, last transaction date, and more. Using this tool, you can directly send an email to all the customers at the same time. It also saves any filtered/unfiltered data in an Excel sheet format. 

How to use the All Customers tool on Exly?


Follow this step-by-step guide to use the All Customers tool on Exly:

Step 1: On the Creator Tool page, scroll to the Customers menu, and click on All Customers

Step 2: All the data pertaining to the end-users who paid for your offerings/services will appear on the right side of this page. In case you don’t have any offering (class/session/appointment, etc) published yet, click on the Add A Session button.

As soon as you have any customers, you will see all the customer data listed by Customer Name, Email, Phone Number, Total Spent, Number of Transactions, and an Action tab to View Transaction History and their past activity on this page. 

Step 3: Click on the Import Customers button to import the customer data of your choice of offering (only applicable for workshops, classes, and flexible classes.)

- Select the offering along with the specific batch from the drop-down menu for which you want to import the data, and then click on 

- You will be asked to upload a .CSV file with the customer details in a pre-formatted Excel sheet. You can download this by clicking on the Download Sample File button. 

Step 4You can filter out the customer data based on their name, email, and phone number. And download the filtered/unfiltered data in an Excel sheet format by simply clicking on the Export button.

You can also sort the customers based on engagement and user behavior wherein:


Loyal Customers tag is used for customers with the most bookings
Most Valuable Customers tag is used for customers who have spent the most money on your webpage
Need Re-Engagement tag is used for customers who haven’t made any transaction in the last 60 days
New Customers 
tag is used for the newest customers on your webpage 


Step 5: You can reach out to any customer directly through email or WhatsApp by simply clicking on the email or WhatsApp icon displayed with their contact details.