A webpage lead refers to when any website visitor fills out a form with some or all of their contact details.

It could be a simple form that requires them to add their email address or something more elaborate that asks for their name, contact details, and more such information.

The Webpage Leads tool on Exly is an efficient tool that allows you to keep track of all your leads that land on your website/offerings.

These leads are captured on your webpage in two ways

  • When any user clicks on the Get in touch button and leaves their details

  • When the user tries to make a payment but does not complete the transaction or the transaction process fails.

How can the Webpage Leads tool on Exly benefit you and your business?

The Webpage Leads tool on Exly helps you analyze the offerings and the engagement pattern for the same on your webpage in a better way.

Based on the data collected using this tool, you can directly reach out to your leads through WhatsApp and email, and filter the leads on the basis of incomplete payments, intent, source, offering, etc.

Not just that, you can also filter out new leads using this tool. With all this data, you can get a better understanding of how many leads have been captured, and converted, and the revenue generated from them.

How to use the Webpage Leads tool on Exly?

Step 1: On the Creator Tools page, scroll down to the Contacts menu. Click on the Webpage Leads option.

Step 2: A new section will load on the  you can find all leads-specific data on the top - number of Leads Captured, Leads Converted, and Revenue from Leads.

You can also the look at the data in detail for each card by clicking on the View Chart button. By default, the data is shown for the last 30 days in the charts.

In the chart you can hover over specific dates and check the data from that particular date.

Step 3: You can see all the webpage leads on this page listed by Customer Name, Contact Details, Last Activity Date, Last Activity, Status, Responses, and more.

To manage the columns that are visible on this page click on Manage Columns on the top right side of the screen and select the columns as per your requirement.

The columns containing Email and Phone cannot be deselected.

Click on Save to make the changes. To go back to the original setting, you can also click on Reset to Default and the changes will be reversed.

  • You can reach out to any lead via WhatsApp by sending them a direct message. Simply click on the WhatsApp icon next to their contact details to take the required action.

  • Similarly, to email a lead, click on their email address and a screen will open. Fill in the details, write the email and click Send

Changing Status: When dealing with webpage leads, it is important to have them organised and always keep track of them. In the Status columns, you can now mark the status of the leads. They can be - New Lead, No Response, Interested or Not Interested. When a lead becomes a customer, the status automatically changes to Converted Lead

Looking at their Response: If you have a form that the customers need to fill, you can view their responses in the Q/A Response columns. Click on See Response to view that customer’s answers in the form.

  • To check the lead's activity, go to the Last Activity column.

    • If the lead fills the form from the Get In Touch section on the website - the activity shows Wants to be contacted

    • If the lead fills the form from the Get In Touch section on the offering page - the activity shows Interested in [Offering Name]

    • If the lead dropped off while making the payment for an offering - the activity shows Expressed interest in payment of [Offering Name]

    • If the lead dropped off because the payment fails - the activity shows Payment failed for [Offering Name]

    • If the lead is imported - the activity shows Imported lead

    • If the lead books an offering - the activity shows Booked [Offering Name]

  • Along with the lead's activity, you can also see when it was done using the Last Activity Date column.

Assigning Leads to Staff: If you’re on the premium program of Exly you can assign leads to staff members. For this, you should have staff members added in your workspace.

Filtering Leads: Filtering helps you sort out your leads on the basis of certain criteria and improve the way you reach out to them.

In this section, you can apply advance filters and segregate leads on more than 1 criteria.

To do so click on Advance Filters and a pop up will open. Add the filters you want and click on Apply Filter.

To remove the filters, click on Advance Filters and click the red bin icon next to the filters.

You can even filter the leads an additional criteria - Incomplete Payments, Lead Intend, New Leads, and 

Lead Source.

Creating Tags for Leads: Tagging leads is an easy and effective way to categorise them. To add tag to any lead, click on the right-most icon under the Actions column

A window will open. You can either add a new tag or choose from an existing list of previously created tags. You can add more than 1 tag to any lead.

Adding Notes to Leads:

When reaching out to leads there would always be points that you would want to remember.

This is even more important when you have staff assigned to certain leads.

Using these notes, you can easily communicate pointers with other members in the team.

To add a note, click on the first blue icon under the Actions column.

In the pop up, add the note and click Save

You can perform actions like sending messages or assigning tags to leads in bulk too. Simply select the filtered leads and click on the desired action. Using this you can also select contacts across multiple pages and perform the desired action!

To view all details of a lead, click on the user’s name from the Lead’s Name column.

A screen will open. Here you can see logs for the lead such as staff assigned, tag added and the notes.

You can add more notes for the lead from this window and also add additional tags.

  • To delete a tag, click on the cross sign on the right side of the tag.

  • To edit a note, click on the three dot menu and click Edit Note. Make the changes in the pop up and click Save. The changes should now be visible in the chat.

  • To delete a note, click on the three dot menu and select Delete Note. Remember, when you delete a note it is shown as a deleted note with the date of deletion next to it.

From this same window, click on Details (next to Logs) to view all the details of the user.

To view the lead’s responses, click on Responses (next to Details). Here you can check all responses from the Get In Touch button, Pre-Booking and Post booking.

Importing Leads:

You can import leads in two manner.

  • Either add individual leads manually by filling in all the information.

  • Bulk import leads from a CSV file.

To add individual leads manually, click on Import Lead and select Quick Add from the drop down menu.

To bulk import more than 1 lead, click on Import Lead and select Bulk Import from the drop down menu.

A window will open with the guidelines and instructions to help you with the same.

You can only upload .CSV files following a certain format. Download the sample .csv file given and make sure that the file you import follows the guidelines provided.

While making the file for bulk import remember:

  • You can upload contacts with either a phone number or email, or both. Exly won’t restrict the upload if there is at least one contact information. Please note that if you’re opting to upload only phone number, make sure you add the country code as well.

  • Columns shouldn’t have same names, and column names must not be left empty

  • There should not be any duplicate entries in the file. In case of duplicate entries, Exly will skip one of them.

To make the process simpler for you  Exly uses intelligent column mapping to organise the content from your file.

We will recognise column headers in your CSV file and organise the data accordingly.

To make the import click on Select a .CSV file to upload and pick the file with the leads. Once the upload is done click on Continue to Import.