Payment Links on Exly
Exly allows you to create and share universal as well as custom payment links (of any amount and/or currency). These payment links can be shared with the en...
Discount Codes on Exly
Offering discount coupons as a solo business owner can be a strategic move to attract new customers and keep existing ones engaged. It creates a sense of va...
Limited-Time Offers on Exly
Limited-time offers are like a little burst of excitement for your business! They create a sense of urgency that gets people's attention and makes them ...
Design Marketing Creatives Within 5 Minutes
In a time where a brand’s social media presence is everything, it is crucial that you show up for your brand, and that you show up in style. Exly’s latest a...
Traffic Analysis with Exly
Keeping tabs on your link traffic is like having a secret superpower for your business! Those analytics give you a peek into what really piques your custome...
SEO & Accessibility Tool on Exly
What is SEO? SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization is the practices used to improve a website's visibility and ranking on search engines lik...
Creating Whatsapp Broadcasts on Exly
Designed to make day-to-day operations easy and less time-consuming, the WhatsApp Broadcast feature allows the creators to send a message to several contact...
How to white-label your Whatsapp communications
What does white label mean? By default, all the broadcasts are sent with Exly’s name. That is, even though you write the messages and templates, the sender...
Run FB/Instagram ads on Exly
Why it is beneficial to run ads for your offering? Running Facebook and Instagram ads for a service or product is like having a personal digital billboard ...
Create Sales Pages on Exly
What is a Sales Page? A sales page is a dedicated web page designed specifically to promote and sell a particular product/service. It serves as a virtual s...